Generation Equality: Realizing women’s rights for an equal future

Generation Equality: Realizing women’s rights for an equal future

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Imagine a world where all people have equal rights and opportunities. Women and girls are not afraid of walking home late at night, and men and boys are not trapped in oppressive masculinities. In this world, gender equality is the norm. Men and women get paid equally for work of equal value and share the care work at home.

Imagine equality in political leadership and corporate boardrooms and factory floors. Women have equal say in decisions that affect their lives, their bodies, their policies, and their environment, from villages to cities.

Let’s make this a reality. Join UN Women’s Generation Equality campaign to accelerate gender equality actions and mark the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the most visionary agenda for women’s rights and empowerment everywhere.

Join #GenerationEquality

The world is speaking up for an equal future. So, what are you waiting for? Show that you stand on the right side of history by sharing your commitment on social media with #GenerationEquality.


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